Archive | April 2024

After The Fall

Not content to repeatedly spam photographs of circles he says he has made on social media, Dene Hine won’t let the world forget the moment in 2021 that Colin Andrews praised him as ‘a highly skilled artist’. 

Are you sure, Colin? In what universe has that ever been true?

Colin, you were once a significant and respected member of the crop circle community, an author and lecturer and authority. Some of us who have been on the scene since the early years remember that well, and recall a day when your opinion counted for something. Is this really what you have been reduced to? Licking Dene Hine’s arse in public?

Nobody has any problem with you championing human circle makers, Colin, but at least support those people who possess some skill at it. Your estimation of Hine’s ability as an ‘artist’ is I am guessing based on the August 2016 Ansty crop circle (photograph below by Steve Alexander), arguably the best circle that Hine has put his name to.

Despite what Hine may want the world to think, Colin, you do know that he didn’t actually make that formation, don’t you? Sure, it may have been his idea and he may have been there, but he didn’t do the work. It was done by other and superior circle makers, in daylight, over the course of a week. Construction-wise it’s a million miles from what Hine is capable of.

Lest anybody still be in any doubt as to whether Ansty 2016 was of Hine’s authorship, here are the two circles he made immediately before it for comparison (Stonehenge, 8 July 2016 and Figsbury Rings, 22 July 2016, both photographs by Steve Alexander). These give a much more accurate indication of the then-calibre of his field skills. Can anybody in all seriousness look at these two photographs and then look at Ansty and consider them the work of the same person?

‘A highly skilled artist’? Do me a favour. Colin, I think it might be time to reconsider the reliability of your sources. I can’t help but feel that you’ve shackled your cart to the wrong horse.